My fingers were hovering over the keyboard while I was struggling with a title for this entry and then one word came to mind, "upsets." Turning to my trusty dictionary I discovered that "upsets" is the perfect word to use. Meaning: to disturb mentally or emotionally, distress: a nervous, irritable state of mind.
The last seven days have been packed full of upsetting things so much so that I'm more irritable than usual! I should be wearing a beware sign, "back off!" which is what I seem to be telling everyone who has too many suggestions about how to solve things that aren't as easy to fix as the lame suggestions I've been receiving prove. (very awkward sentence, but the thought is there.)
Two more patients at the dialysis clinic have died in the last few days! One of them, a very sweet woman, was taken out of the clinic last Monday in an ambulance and mom said that she was sobbing hysterically. She died that night! And a man we didn't know very well died two days later. And then the man who has the treatment chair before Stacy does has been in the ICU for over a week now . . . It's a tragic upsetting place to go to three times a week!
A cat adopted us a few months ago, much to my dismay, and now seems to be dying and I couldn't get the animal control to come out to pick him up on Friday! It seems that the poor things needs to die before they'll come out due to cut-backs and other things I couldn't figure out what the police dispatcher was trying to tell me! I was sobbing! The cat had belonged to a former neighbor who left him behind when she moved to Texas. I never had much regard for her and I was right, she's a very uncaring kind of person! He was very vital and healthy looking at first but then he lost so much weight that I took pity on him, bad idea, and started feeding him. Then the gal who helps us around the house, couty paid, found him a carrier/cage at the SPCA Thrift shop and pleaded with them to donate it and they did! The price tag said $20; very nice gesture. So at least the poor thing can get out of the rain, but I've been afraid that he'll freeze to death. We've had some nights of frost in the last month. I can't allow him indoors because I have no idea what his health problems are and I couldn't find a vet who would check him out for free! Our two cats rarely go to the vet . . .
And then there is the Medicare Ins. prescription program that sucks! Happily Stacy's meds are still covered because she takes so many of them we'd never be able to afford them; I do however now pay a small fee
for a few of them and I'm wondering when they'll decide that she doesn't need them!! That is what happened to one of mine, "there is a similar over the counter one so we won't cover that one," I was told. Similar as in how? "Same kind of dosage." As I've tried the over the counter ones without success I became instantly livid with rage, but then decided to do an experiment. I put away about 2 weeks worth of the prescription and started taking the over the counter kind. I'm shocked that it only took me less than 3 weeks to lose what it took me
over 3 years to gain! How can I possibly feel this bad and not be able to get out of bed or leave the house without nearly fainting in such a short time? Plus my brain cells are on vacation and even though that occasionally happens, I haven't been this confused in a very long time. Upset?! You betcha! I started taking the reserved medicine again Thursday night and so far I'm not much better, but as least I know that I cannot be without the prescription not that that will help me win with the Ins. company! Because of the FMS I've had my entire life I have an absorption problem that was explained to the Ins. company, but the response was, "Sorry, but the dosage is comparable and that's what how we determine the need." The prescription isn't affordable on my lowly disability income . . .