Thursday, February 10, 2005

All Twisted Up!

All twisted up!
That's me, all twisted up! The day started out like any other day might, just okay. But once I heard Mom's voice on the phone my stomach twisted up into knots! Thanks heavens for Cell phones and a brother on the other end who I could send over to collect Mom and take to the ER.

I was in the middle of finally have a guy from The Dish install a new cable (to hopefully take care of a year-long problem!!) and I didn't want to him to stop. Once he did a check of the satellite dish I was out the door before he even drove off. Nothing like an emergency to get my adrenline going. I found Mom already in a cubicle trying to answer questions the doctor was asking her and my brother saying, "I think my sister might know that."

Three hours later my first guess was correct, Mom was having a major reaction to a medication and not a heart attack. I got her home and settled in and did a few errands. So much for having a nice quiet visit with brother and sister-in-law!

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