Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The forecast is - tense!

The wake-up call came at 7:10 this morning when the dialysis nurse burst into the room just ahead of the construction workers outside who like to start their day by shouting at each other at 7:20. Stacy had a rough night and mine wasn't much better. Cat naps seem to be the only kind of sleep I get and I wake up disoriented and anxious. The surgeon seems to have a "an opinion" of what he thinks should be done for Stacy. There was talk about removing the dialysis catheter and implanting a new one but the very young surgeon thinks it's time to try another fistula meaning needles which means bleeding problems and horrendous bruising! We've been that route and it was as usuccessful as home dialysis was! Why change what works? Why make Stacy's life more difficult? And why not listen the needs of the patient?

The fever is gone and unlike April, there isn't much of a sign of a bacterial infection. The catheter removal at this stage is "precautionary." Okay!

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