Tuesday, June 28, 2005

We didn't make it!

It turns out that the month of May was a fluke when there wasn't one trip to the hospital! We're making up for it this month by having two! Last night (Monday) Stacy was struck down first by chills followed by a fever of 103 and an invitation to the meet the doctor at the hospital! I absolutely couldn't deal with the questions that the ER nurses and doctors were going to run us through and to my surprise Stacy's doctor asked that she be admitted directly into a room. Imagine my surprise and delight! Even so we didn't roll in to the room until 9:30 and then there were the lab tests and a walk to xray for films of her chest and my cot finally arrived at midnight. Two nurses had a heck of a time getting an IV into her veins so that the antibiotic could be given. It was around 2 am when Stacy and I drifted off to sleep.

The jackhammers and delivery of tons of gravel started at 7:15 right outside of the window and I thought we were in the middle of war zone! The hospital remodel won't be done fast enough.

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