Friday, June 03, 2005

Texture - play

I wish I could get out from under the brain fog and flu-like symptoms that have taken up residence! I feel awful! I'm positive that the stress of the last few months has caused this latest flare-up of the immune dysfunction junk that I've dealt with my entire life, but that doesn't alleviate the problem! There are so many things that I want to do but the focus for the past two weeks has been on how to once again convince my immune system to behave itself. I'm not fond of being on a quest searching through data for things that "might" provide some relief from joint and muscle pain, brain fog, migraines, vertigo and flu-like symptoms. I'd rather be on a creative quest that includes a working knowledge of design elements. That to me is much more productive, but if I don't attend to the physical stuff I will never be able to accomplish anything I've set out to do. I've been putting off taking care of my health issues hoping that by ignoring them they would go away. Experience should have taught me that ignoring the health issues will only make them worse when I finally face the fact that I'm nearly too ill to get out of bed.

So, once again I'm re-thinking the supplements I take by the handful! And for the second time in six months I'm going through a detox to rid my system of toxins and other creepy things that seem to be running through my system. Extracting unwanted visitors does marvelous things to an already unhappy system and unfortunately one of the things it does is to make the ability to concentrate fly out the window. Every thought I have disappears before I even put it down and very little of what I read makes any sense. It's taken me two hours to write these few paragraphs today! And they probably don't make much sense . . . If I had the energy I'd be hysterical, but I'm running on empty or what I refer to as "energy deficit."

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